Each year the Elks National Veterans Service Commission (ENVSC) offers surplus grants to ENVSC representatives when additional funds are available. This year five Kentucky facilities requested and were approved for surplus grants. This equates to an additional $5,000.00 to support each of those facilities.
Janet Cartwright is the ENVSC representative for the Hansen Facility in Madisonville. She will be coordinating a project to provide the residents with limited resources some dignity and help them purchase gifts for their family members along with professional photo sessions and four cookouts.
Tom Armstrong is the ENVSC representative for the Louisville VAMC and plans to utilize the grant to support a cold weather gear drive during Veterans Remembrance Month in November. The cold weather gear will be provided to veterans in need during a veterans breakfast conducted at Lyndon Lodge #2052.
Cheryl Blake, ENVSC representative for the Pennyroyal Veterans Center near Hopkinsville will coordinate Elk volunteers to build care packages full of personal items and lunches to be given to veterans in need as they arrive at the facility. This support should serve the facility’s new residents for about a year.
Martin Harbolt, ENVSC representative for the Radcliff Veterans Center near Fort Knox, along with volunteers from Louisville Lodge # 8 will build raised flower and vegetable gardens to allow handicapped residents some outdoor enrichment activities and grow their own vegetables and flowers.
Brian Kinney the ENVSC representative for the Cooper Division of the Lexington VAMC and Elks volunteers will build clothing packets of socks, sweats, T-shirts and other items to be provided to the in-patient and homeless veterans in the community. Cooper Division recently had to close their clothing room and is in need of additional clothing items.
Each of these initiatives is solely focused on the needs of their local facility and will enrich the lives of veterans across the commonwealth. These are great examples of Kentucky Elks providing a positive impact on their communities.