FAQ COVID-19 Alcoholic Beverages Sales
FAQ About the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages During the COVID-19 Emergency
Many questions have come up about the Governor’s Closure Order and
the Cabinet’s Order related to alcohol sales with food delivery and carryout.
This document outlines those questions and provides guidance from the
1. Does the order allow for sale of alcohol through both delivery and carryout?
Yes. The order allows the licensee to provide alcohol in its unopened and
sealed original container through home delivery, curbside service, or carryout.
2. Are bars and restaurants able to utilize services for delivery such as Uber
Eats, Grub Hub, Door Dash, etc.? Yes.
3. What is a “closed and sealed original container”? This means the original unopened
packaging of the beverage; exactly what you could buy off a package retailer’s shelf.
4. Can we buy tamper resistant bottles, put margaritas in them, and then seal them? No. that
would not be an alcoholic beverage in its unopened and sealed original packaging.
5. Can we purchase seal-able containers, fill them with a cocktail, seal them and sell them that
way? No. Only alcohol in its unopened and sealed original container may be sold for
off-premises consumption.
6. Would putting margarita in a tamper evident container count as original container? It is
sealed and will not be open until delivered. No. Only alcohol in its unopened and sealed
original container may be sold for off-premises consumption.
7. Does this order apply to bars? If the bar sells food, then yes. The order requires that
the home delivery, curbside service, or carryout of the alcohol be only allowed with
the sale of food.
8. Does the Governor’s order closing bars and restaurants to on-premises consumption apply
to private clubs? Yes. All on-premises consumption is prohibited.
9. Can a private club with an NQ3 retail drink license sell alcoholic beverages for off-premises
consumption? A private club can only allow members to enter the premises and must
exclude the general public. For this reason, a private club holding an NQ3 license
may only sell alcoholic beverages to club members for off-premises consumption
through carry-out, curbside service, drive-thru, or delivery.” A private club cannot
sell alcoholic beverages to the general public.
10. Can a golf course licensee serve beverages to golfers for on-site consumption? No. All
on-site consumption is prohibited.
11. Can a country club that has a restaurant and liquor license also sell alcohol and food by
carryout, curbside service or home delivery under this order? Yes.
12. Do microbreweries, package retailers or others who have been allowed to deliver to
consumers now have to deliver food in order to continue those deliveries? No. Businesses
previously licensed to deliver alcohol are not precluded from continuing to do so.
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13. Are tastings and samplings at distilleries permitted? No. All on-site consumption is prohibited.
14. Can a venue buy food and alcohol from a restaurant or caterer and then deliver or provide
for carry- out under this order? No.
15. Can a caterer who is licensed to sell by the drink sell food and alcohol by carryout or
delivery under this order? Yes.
16. If a customer is waiting on a carryout order, can the restaurant serve the patron a beer or
other alcoholic beverage while they wait? No. All on-premises consumption is
17. How much alcohol is considered incidental to the purchase of a meal? A serving of
alcoholic beverages that a person would normally order when eating a meal at a
restaurant. Since a person would not order a 1.75L bottle of distilled spirits with a
meal, it is not proper to sell such a bottle for off-premises consumption. The amount
delivered or carried-out must be reasonable. For example, a couple pizzas and a case
of beer, would be reasonable. A couple pizzas and a case of wine, would not.
18. Is a sell by the drink liquor license different from a Caterer's license or a Sunday retail drink
license? Can establishments with those types of licenses sell alcohol under the new Order
to sell packaged liquor?” There are several different types of “drink” licenses that
permit alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on the licensed premises (QD, NQ1,
NQ2, NQ3, NQ4, LR, and more). A caterer’s license is a different type of license but
it also authorizes retail drink sales. Licensed caterers can sell alcoholic beverages
under the Order. A Sunday drink license is a supplemental license and only
authorizes drink sales on Sunday. If the holder of a drink license also holds a Sunday
drink license, the holder can sell alcoholic beverages under the Order on Sunday at
times permitted by local ordinance.
19. With everything going on with the restaurants, can we sell unopened bottles of wine with
food purchases? Yes.
20. If we were to sell a bottle of wine to a customer, and the customer did not finish it while
waiting for their meal, would the law still be the same? As in, we would cork the wine, put it
in a bag, staple the bag shut with a receipt on the outside of the bag. This question
presumes on-site consumption, which is no longer permitted. However, the licensee
may sell an unopened bottle of wine with a meal by home delivery, curbside service
or carryout.
21. Are businesses permitted to sell growlers of beer? Beer growlers are permitted under
804 KAR 11:040 but such sales require a NQ retail malt beverage package license.
Nothing in the Order changes the law related to growlers.
22. Can a hotel provide alcohol to a guest for in-room consumption? Yes.
23. If a business is temporarily closing due to COVID-19, are they required to notify the
Department of such closure and suspend their license? No. Businesses are not required
to suspend their license or notify the Department of closure or reopening due to
24. Are businesses permitted to make or bottle hand sanitizer? The Kentucky Distillers’
Association (KDA) is providing guidance about distilleries producing hand-sanitizer.
The KDA contact person is Colleen Thomas, Director of Member and Public Affairs.
Her email is colleen@kybourbon.com.