Cynthiana Lodge Elk receives Heartbeat Award.

The Harrison County Chamber of Commerce "Heartbeat" award is a new award this year, dedicated to an individual or organization that exemplifies the motto, " Love where you Live." They promote positivity within the community, volunteer countless hours and acts of service without expecting anything in return.
The 2022 Winner is Brian Kinney of Cynthiana Elks Lodge # 438. The nominator writes, " Brian Kinney is the most devoted veteran I have ever met. He has been the VA representative for Cynthiana Elks Lodge #438 for several years and volunteers twice a week at the VA in Lexington packing care packages for veterans. Through the Elks Lodge, Brian also writes grants that benefits veterans and the community such as the Beacon Grant and Gratitude Grant. The Gratitude Grant is used for the senior dinner the Elks provide in December each year. He has received several national distinguished awards form the National Veterans Association, The Grand Lodge and the State Elks Association. Because of Brian's connections and knowledge of the VA's needs, the Cynthiana Elks were able to donate an entire gym full of workout machines, weights and treadmills to them. Brian is also an active member of the Cynthiana Kiwanis Club in the community. Brian truly loves his community and giving back to those in need.
Congratulations Brian..