Proposed Elks Lodge of Elizabethtown Supports Radcliff Mayor's Breakfast
The Proposed Elks Lodge of Elizabethtown is joining forces with other community support organizations during the Radcliff Mayor's Breakfast on Saturday January 26th at the Colvin Community Center.

What: Free Breakfast and Door Prizes
Where: Colvin Community Center
230 Freedoms Way, Radcliff, KY
When: Saturday, January 26th, 09:00
Mayor J.J. Duvall said the event has been a tradition since he took office in 2011, only taking a year off in 2021. He said it started to kick off the new year off and bring the community together.
“The idea behind it was people like to gather, eat breakfast and just kind of socialize and fellowship,” he said.
Local businesses, community leaders and organizations sponsor the event to provide the free breakfast and door prizes for guests, Duvall said.
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