Elk VIP Visits Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119
On October 19th, Sherry Suttles, Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the Eastern District of Kentucky of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, from Ashland Lodge #350, visited Middlesboro Lodge #119. As is required of all Lodges, while in Middlesboro District Deputy Suttles reviewed all records, books and procedures, inspected all Lodge property and facilities and addressed the membership at their regular Lodge meeting. Visiting Middlesboro with Ms. Suttles were David Mullins, Safety Inspector and Roberta Parsons, Auditor, both from Ashland Lodge. Also visiting was District Deputy Designate for next year Pat Spaulding from Winchester Lodge #2816.

Pictured from left are David Mullins, Roberta Parsons, Sherry Suttles, Middlesboro Lodge President Tommy Harrell and Pat Spaulding