Education and Training Update
Joint District Deputy Clinic

April 3, 2022
Lyndon Lodge #2052
Education and Training Update
Thanks to everyone who attended the training session last Sunday! I think it went pretty well and I very much appreciated all the participation and sharing of what everyone is doing at their own Lodges to make Orientation of our new members better than what it has been in the past.
I am including the presentation (download it here) that I shared with you in case you want to use it, but remember that the template I used in on under the Membership section. It is part of the Membership Toolkit and I really recommend that everyone look at it. You can download it here. There are some great ideas for not only gaining members, but also KEEPING them. With the wonderful gain we have had this year, retention will be a huge focus this next year.
As always, if there is any topic that you feel your Lodge, or any of us, need to be educated on, please do not hesitate to email or call me.
Darlena Jones,
KEA Secretray/Treasure
Education and Training Chair
Business Practices Chair
MVS West District Chair
KEA First Lady