KY Elks Association - Convention Registration Now Open!
While all Elks are enjoying the colorful fall foliage, the Elks in Marshall County are diligently working to prepare for February Convention. All convention forms are available for download from this post and the State Web Site download page.
Marshall County Elks Lodge Inc., No. 2707
P O Box 233, 93 Kashway Ln. Benton KY 42025
Marshall County Elks Lodges #2707 would like to welcome you to be our guests at the 2022 Kentucky Elks Association State Convention. February 18-20, 2022.Please join us to welcome State sponsor Ron Hicks and the West Virginia State President.
The hotel for the event will be Spring Hill Suites located at 1512 north 12th Street, Murray, Kentucky 42071. Room rates will be $95.00 plus tax and is Limited to 72 rooms.
Rooms must be booked by January 1st to receive the convention rate. Rooms are under Ky Elks Event and can be reserved by calling (270) 917-8000.
Ads for convention are $100.00 for a full page, $50.00 for a half page and $25.00 for a ¼ page. Please submit ads no later than January 1st, 2022. Mail them to Marshall County Elks Lodge #2707 attn. Ken Hooper, P.O. Box 233 Benton, Ky 42024
Registration will be at the Hotel Thursday 3:00 – 5:00 PM, and at the Marshall County Exceptional Center on Friday and Saturday 7:30 – 9:30 AM. Business meeting will start Friday morning at the Marshall County Exceptional Center Time to be announced. Dress for convention dinner Saturday night will be Winter Formal.
Shuttle service will be available to and from Lodge and Exceptional center Thursday - Saturday.
All forms can be downloaded here.
2022 Kentucky Elks Association State Convention (Feb.) 2022 State Convention Welcome
Marshall County Lodge # 2707 Convention Committee